The basics of Broadcast and alarms
The Broadcast and alarms application is made in the way that the user can have access to the information of a certain application even when he did not open the application. The broadcast receiver is the center which is used to pass on the notification to the user when there is a specific event that takes place. The developers may add the event to the alarm manager. When the alarm goes off the intent that has been broadcasted by the use of the alarm manager will be broadcasted under the system and it will start the target application at once when it is not running.
How broadcast and alarms works?
By the use of such concept, the Navelec - Broadcast and alarms sends the notification message towards the user at a certain period. You may also need to have the services which represent the need of the application to run on long operation in the background without having to interact with a user. With this application, you will not have to run the entire application if you want to check the data since it will be run at the background. The Broadcast and alarms will be registered under the alarm and broadcast receiver and it will be activated when the alarm got fired. The receiver then checks for the new data when the condition set had been met. This executes intent that it is going to start the activities of the notifications.
What is marine telephone?
The radiophone or the radiotelephone is the communication system meant to be used for the transmission of the speech over the radio. The marine telephone does not have to be interconnected with the public landline. The radiotelephone means that there is the transmission of the sound by the use of the radio in the contrast of the radiotelegraphy or the video transmission.
How marine telephone works?
The marine telephone is based on two way radio system and it is arranged by speaking and by listening to the mobile station and where it has been interconnected to the public switch in order to be connected to the telephone system. The system may provide the mobile telephone service.
The marine telephone uses shortwave radio frequencies and it has a single sideband modulation. The usual system is for the ship to call for the station on the shore and the station will connect the call to the public switched telephone network. The services have to be retained because of the safety reason, however in the practice; this is obsolete because of the satellite telephones, email or voIP telephone through the satellite internet.
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